Regional identify refers to the act of identifying a person with specific geographical region of a nation. Regional identity is used allot in TV dramas in the world today to separate groups of characters to give a TV drama depth. In the extract of Doc Martin, regional identity is show to the audience in different and specific ways that the audience can understand. The idea we get from the extract is that people from cities and the inner city are far more educated and understood than people who live in the countryside.
outline of the clip is that Doc Martin has been moved to the countryside in a
new office where he is greeted by locals throughout the day. The main character
is Doc Martin who is a highly skillful and educated Doctor who comes from the
inner city this so far follows the stereotype given by the TV Drama. The way in
which Doc Martin is portrayed to the audience is given by low angle shots
looking up at him and mid shots showing his body posture showing he is a
confident man. The audience gains the feeling that he is a higher class than
the other villagers from the first scene where Doc Martin has the local plumbers
in his office. They are dressed in overalls which was be for their normal job
but there Literature is bad compared to Doc Martin’s with little words
pronounced correctly this would follow the rules of the stereotype. There is a
second plumber who is a teenager who seems to be more intelligent as he talks
about meanings in depth showing not all countryside’s are dumb and less intelligent.
The plumbers are sitting down as well lower than Doc Martin meaning they are
seen to be less superior to him. There is not much editing in the clip with
many shots that flow freely giving the audience the effect of being in the
scene themselves.
pipes break in Doc Martins office and the plumbers cannot fix it showing the
may be less dense than inner city folks this shows they might be less motivated
than inner city people as well. The costumes of the characters in the extract
show how people can portray others to be less intelligent.
sound that is involved in the clip makes the atmosphere more chaotic for the
audience which grips their attention even more. There is allot of diegetic
sound in clip such as dog barking, phone ringing, people speaking and water
running all at the same time to again add chaos to the clip.
character is added into the extract now this is a woman wearing yellow. She
does not follow the stereotype of regional identity she is very well spoken
without a countryside accent meaning she may have moved there recently or might
have not adapted to the accent.
camera shots that are all used in this extract show how Doc Martin is higher up
than them and he is superior to them. As well as this jump cuts are used to
revel new scenes however sometimes the scenes would jump quickly and sharply so
the audience might forget what happened in the scene before.
WWW- much better focus in the opening paragraph.
ReplyDeleteEBI- you are able to write about the editing used more accurately
EBI- you are able to use more technical terminology to explain your views