Thursday 12 September 2013

Film Production

stage 1: The idea

In this stage inspiration is needed to create a good film that will do go in the box office, inspiration is all around us in films, books, plays even casual conversations. Inspiration can come from a couple of words on paper which are developed into a film or story. After the idea is though of and developed its then given to a Producer to make the film a reality and not a idea anymore. Producers are always looking for good ideas to create into films and make money from. Then the Director comes into the scene making the script into a reality, Directors know how to take films and put them on to the cinema screen. A big film always includes a Director sooner or later to manage the script. Then next in stage 1 the writer gets involved in the idea and clarifies the idea and makes sure all the characters and the plot of the story are going to be a good idea. The writer will then write up a treatment or prototype of the main story and the characters of the film. The treatment is a description of the key events and people in the film. Then the final part in stage one is the pitch this is where all the information is presented to the producer so they can sell the idea to the financiers to commission a script.

Stage 2: Development Finance

The first part of stage 2 is the pitch by the producer to pursuade financiers to give them money to budge the film and develop the script. Then the Producer approches the film production companies for money but sometimes they will say no because they have projects of their own. The producer can bargin with people such as the broadcasters, sales companies and the distribution companies to gain money to develop the script. A producer can also apply for a public funding body such as the UK Film council for development grant. or the Producers can pitch their idea and script to a private investor in hope they will fund the project. The Producer will have to come to a deal with the writer of the script through the writers agent and a development deal.

Stage 3: Script Development

First The Producer gets a synopsis from the writer and the writer and Producer agrres on the key scenes and events in the film to make the film as exciting as it can be. Then it goes to the final draft which is basiclly the real script almost finished. Part of the fee for the writer is made from the delievery of the first draft which can be the hardest part of screen writing. Then when the Producer is happy with the writter the draft is sent to the financiers. These people will have there own ideas. When all the people involved with the script and film is happy then the script is locked off and becomes the final draft this means now the writer gets paid. Finally the last part of script development is the processt where the creation of a sales treatment is reached, a sales treatment is a synopsis designed to sell the film to potential financiers.

Stage 4:

Firstly the Director and Producer must now package the script up into a full proposition. Ready for financing. Then adding well known starts to the script and film is a way to mmake the project more comercial. Then now its time to turn the film into a proper business proposition. The Producer must know how much it will actually cost to fund and make the project. Then its the finance plan and recoupment schedule sage where the potential investors will want to know how the producer plans to raise money. And how she plans to pay them back. Finally in stage 4 the Producer has packages the film into a comercial propostition.

Stage 5:

Firstly the Producer needs to travel to find investment for the project and the film that she is working on becoming a reality because investors can be anywhere. Anyone can invest in films such as public bodies, production companies or private idividuals, the [roducers lawyer draws up contracts to seal these deals. The Producer can sell rights to the film before its even been made this is called pre-sales to rais money. The producer can also get loans for the banks specialised in film finance. But most financiers try to make sure that a completion bond is in place before they agree to invest to secure there insure for the production. Finbally when all the funding is finished and investment is finised then the producer gets the green light to make the film.

Stage 6:

 Now its time for the pre-production and firstly all the heads of the department are hired. The shooting script is circulated and pre-produced. Now the casting director with the Director and Producer begin picking the cast and characters to fit their postition. Then the storyboarding takes place where blue prints are made for the film this is where every shot is planned in advance. Then the special effects are planned in much more detail than normal shots, these can takes months to design and build. Finally of stage 6 the key logistics triangle of the production is made by the Producer and the Production manager. 

Stage 7:

This is a key feture now in the film production because shooting begins and the film starts to come together. The funding is released and the producer is now free to shoot. The camera depertment is responsible for getting all the footage needed for the film makers. Then once the make up has been done and the set is ready the shooting can begin. Now the actors must create an emotional world and draw the audience into it. Then every special effect is carefully constructed to minimise the risk off injury to cast and crew members. The film is run to a tight schedule so if they fall be hind the insures may have to step in.

Stage 8:

Scene 8 is the post production stage where footage comes in and the editior assembles creative narative sequence and makes the scenes come together. After the footage has been put into scenes the sound department works on the audio track for the project editing every piece of sound. Specialist effect composers add special effects on to the film. After the picture is locked its sent through to the mixing room where the final sound mixer sets the final levels, after the film is fully locked out it is ready to duplicate.

Stage 9:

Now to sell the film  distributors the producer secures the services of a sales agent. Now a trailer is made to help sell the film. Next they talk to the market to attract attention, then screenings take place at festivals to generate liking to the film. The producer now has a hot product and a film and is ready to be screened and viewed around the world.

Stage 10:

Now the producer gets a sales agent to help sell the film to the public, then knowing the audiance is essential they run tests to see how the film is recieved. The film is then placed in news papers and media coverage to get peoples attention. Then it is placed online so more people can see it. Then the premier is held for people to come and see what the film is about in more detail and get a better insight into the films production.

Stage 11:

The film is then placed in UK cinemas for the public to see and rate on what the film is like, the UK has more that 3500 cinema screens, if a film does good with sales it might get a mention with the box office which specialises in knowing if a film is a blockbuster or not. Once the distributors have been paid the investments are paied out to the investes into the project.

Stage 12:

the film is then produced onto DVD and Video for the public to buy then later on into the year the film may premier on to tele with its first broadcast, it could be made into a video game for more sales and profit. Then the end of the project.

1 comment:

  1. A good summing up of the first 10 areas of the film production process.

    You need to ensure that you complete all 12 areas, so you have 2 to go.
